
My little nest.

It’s warm and
cozy with a soft layer of dog fur. It’s everywhere, there’s no getting
rid of it. I’ve stared long and hard at that dog, wondering how long a
full body shave would take and just how ridiculous would a bald bull
dog look?

I’ve been

putting shit away
begging the fish to hang on for just one more day
sweet talking his plant, for all the good it does either one of us
and eating broccoli rabe w/ sauteed garlic
I’ve eaten 2lbs in the last 2 days.

Waiting for my baby to come home tonight for a couple of days!

shades will be drawn, there will be smoke billowing out of our chimney
and you may see us emerge for food every now and then.



  1. love the orange and off-yellow kitchen.. you seem to have an innate feel for color. You know, if my cabinets weren’t already an odd stain of orange, i’d be tempted to copy you. lol. being as I’m just a hop-skip-&ajump down the highway line, man, Anyway. though my hedge’s boxwood instead of escalonia so naturally doesn’t grow as tall. that too. Say, where’d you end up putting that tin-topped table, the one looked so good with a bowl of grapes on it?Lovely nest you’ve got going there Yolanda – the before & after, shows.


  2. Well, I don’t know if I know you or not. lol. Your scottie had drawn on a table saw it posted, then in your nook here in the non-speaking confederacy – A similar table had a bowl of grapes in a picture sent to me via email by a “friend” yrs ago. the message said something like.. “here, share these with lynette, they’re sweet”..something like that.So I don’t know Yo ly — do you know me? I’m a bit north.You kitchen’s nice — bad color for dieting though.. Mine’s orange with yellow tile.


  3. P.S. I can show a picture if you’d like… .. though the quality, well I’m not such an excellent photographer..btw – that statue.. does it have a girl riding on the back? .. saw that one at target I think.Take care yoly — you have a colorful ly interesting blog life.-da


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