Prayer to Saint Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.

and let me not strangle my daughter for drawing on her own ass (how does she do that?) and leaving ink stains on the toilet again.
or leaving powdery pop tart crumbs on the side table for two days.
where there is anger and spite let there be a trip to San Francisco to breathe some different air and let this stomach bug be gone before I set out.
where there is irritation and frustration, let there be laughter or at least a quiet smile and a new perspective.


  1. Amen —Yes, let IT be.You know yoly, your blog is so special in its way, the way i can relate it’s as if you should come live right next door to me and we could have great fun not just emulating/watching from a distance, but doing each other for real! — like-just put on our weight-lifting belts, get right down to lifting those rocks with the personal touch,,, and then give each other a hugg and a pat on the back big time for these out of doors jobs well-done!!! god, I don’t know what I’d do without you! your blogging makes my day!it would be lovely to actually meet you, god willing, perhaps we’ll run into each other in SF, or you could cruz on down the coast for a beverage sometime, ehh?Hope the tummy gets better, this week we finished painting the pine chest black and next hubby is building a pair of addarondack chairs that i’ll wash red, then finish with a lime green and sand them up a bit, we’re putting them in the new bark area.. lots of love to you!


  2. “Do i know you?”Oyh i think you must… on the subject of air and ports, not the winy kind, the other i was in last w/end and flippping through the summer issue of parabola and this article on conciousness, dimensionality and awareness:“The inner wolrld of awareness is not located in ordinary space or time. One can argue that it is located in the brain, but it cannot be found there, neither by neurosurgeons, not by MRI scans nor electroencephalograms; all that can be found are tissuesand cells and electrical activities that we know are related to inner events —but these are not inner life itself”Which caused me to grin.because my silly brain went to this movie dialogue;In Genesis, there are two trees in the garden of Eden.The tree of knowledgeand the tree of life.When Adam and Eve disobeyed and atefrom the tree of knowledge….. the lord banned them from the garden and hid the Tree of Life.I’m kind of difficult to know.What’s in a name anyway?I certainly cant live up to mine…You’re welcome.noblewomandivine queenhollow.)the other anon….and yes, we must irradiate/irradicate ALL bugs,, prontoor our world as we know it will remain in grave danger


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