From Planting Along The Verge
i’m watching the puddles grow into little ponds in the back yard.
i’ve been back there to sit in the studio, stitch and watch the rain. 
we’ll lose power today for sure. i wish we’d gone for the battery powered lanterns yesterday but the candles will work just as well.
the dishwasher went out into it. and took lu who would rather pee her bed than go out in the rain. 
i’m still reeling from the last storm we weathered and though i’m already starting to feel the walls closing in a bit, i’d rather hunker down in front of the fire than face another one just now.
there’s still another sweater sleeve left to knit and i’m behind three New Yorkers and there’s always my needle and thread.


  1. the best thing i ever did in my life was to win you.

    i can die happy from it.

    i love you deeper than the seas.




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