April 4, 2010
Sunday House Tour

Do not be afraid.

Creepy never hurt anybody.

Monkey holds my thimble of peace and happiness and three candles.

Peasants with pitchforks, one of five beautiful blocks from a sweet friend.
Thanks A!
This sweet face is made of some rubbery substance that makes you want to squeeze and mush it up.  Much like this face.

These two are probably the only things we never move.  The smoking baby and Zipper mouth.

Sunday Garden Tour here


  1. That first mushy face looks like it's between a rock and hard place…!

    I spent today swaying with an earthquake that lasted WAY too long, 7 frisky dogs, 8 cool humans and very tasty eats!
    Nice mix, all is well and thanks for the “tour”–always a pleasure!


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