Just in the nick of time

My Dishwasher comes home today. For good. Thank you and Oh Shit.
The house is a mess. Not anywhere near as neat and tidy as the Dishwasher and I both like it but there’s nothing for it. Em’s home and she is, to put it delicately, a slob. She’s being pretty good about containing it to her own room but it spills out and it depresses and confuses me. I’ve managed to wash dishes every day but beyond that, I’m just barely holding it together as the following will clearly demonstrate.

I call this my Crack Smoking Skirt

It all seemed like a good idea at the time and you wouldn’t believe the amount of time I spent putting it all together. Yes, it was a strange week last week. I had the worst case of “the spins” for days on end. I know it’s no excuse but maybe it is. I don’t know.

I’m thinking I’d pair it with these beauties

scored at the thrift store.

I can hardly wait to find the perfect top for the whole ensemble.
Maybe something furry.


  1. you wouldnt believe this but i was going crazy thinking about you & why i could never get a hold of your website (the old addy) & i had to research thru some old comments on my blog & still no luck. so i typed the old addy in with blogspot at the end & i found you.i know it was too weird but i had always enjoyed your blog. so here i am again paying you a visit. how are you yolie??!!!mariam


  2. OMG I hate this blogger!I’ve been trying to log in for a week now!So sorry Mars! Great to see you found me. I am…..ok. trying, striving.I stop and see you sometimes and your beautiful daughter. I only have internet at work though so my time on-line is limited and fractured. Hope I can remedy all of it soon.In the meantime. Many good wishes flying your way!


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