cooking with dog…

There are so many things I love about this video but I don’t want to spoil it for you.  See for yourself.
This video in no way tops the Prancercise video Elizabeth posted yesterday. Nothing can do that. Except maybe for that yoga one Ms Moon posted some time ago with the girl from Northern Exposure. It’s a toss up.   


  1. I thought it was going to end with the dog eating the delicious and beautifully presented meal.
    I mean, he looked eager and was dressed appropriately.

    The internet is endlessly mysterious and amazing, isn't it?


  2. Oh! This is so perfect Saturday morning loveliness. Cooking mindfully and I too thought Dog was stuffed there for a while she was so perfectly still. Then I too thought breakfast was for Dog when she turned her head toward the end. Lovely and wonderful and thank you.

    I'm making bread this morning. I'm going to put The Evil Orlando on the counter and see if she holds still while I knead.



  3. Dearest Angella! It is a happier monday for having you in to say hi! I'm a bit upside down at the moment….life.
    hoping to get a moment soon to write more.


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