Pig, Cow and Three Unripe Pears

It is, and has been, relentlessly gray and cool and I am ready for some blue sky and warm sun and ripe pears. The stupid SUPER market here in town doesn’t have ripe pears. Ever.

I wait.

Tiny living fits me. We are still in the process of building……..moving………purging. My daughter is about to deliver her baby into the light of this world and she is nesting like a BIG mama magpie. We are going through a lifetime’s worth of stuff. Discovering things like the plastic light up stars that we used to create constellations on the ceiling of her room when she was a child. A room her child is now sleeping in.

While I have been ruthlessly donating most of the stuff I have found, there are some things, silly things I can’t part with. The pig on the window sill, for example.

The pig stays.


  1. Carolyn, what's not to love? pears, cows, pigs and especially itty bitty tiny baby bundles.
    once again my blog roll showed no new posts from you but I see I have missed a few!


  2. It is one fine pig. And pears oh pears so delicious and such pains. I am lucky to have ripe pears right up the street. The goodness of living so close to the Pacific Rim. I too am purging as always I have a big bag of stuff in my bedroom ready to go and I'm finally letting go of my old violin case which was and still is very well built but sorrowfully beat up from use. My violin student was throwing away an almost brand new case and I asked for it. I felt shame about it but they're expensive and now the old will go to someone who needs it and on and on I wonder if you'll keep that fine pig. I tossed a dragon pitcher from Vienna whose head had broken off and the elephant teapot whose top fell in the sink and broke. The top was a little girl riding. These things carried both good and sad energy so it was a relief to let them escape from the bottom cupboard. I'm rambling. Pretty soon I will have nothing in my house except coffee my violin and my books. I'm almost there now. xoxox


  3. Rebecca, you are so lucky to have ripe pears for the asking.
    Is this pruning some sort of virus we are all catching? I think it's a beautiful thing and I love the idea of all this well loved and used stuff being passed from one to the next. The dragon pitcher and the elephant teapot are just the kind of things I have held onto for way too long and yes, what a strange relief to “release” them.
    Coffee, violin and books. Perfection. All you need. And pears.

    I love that quote. Thank you!

    Ain't it though? Did anyone catch the hand mudra in the yard I wonder?


  4. There will always be silly little things I can't part with, most especially my collection of tiny things, which includes a cow and a pig and several elephants. A childhood obsession I can't let go of, and I blame reading The Borrowers for my tiny obsession.
    The view out your window is so lovely. The idea of letting go of things is pulling strongly at me now. I think of you and your cozy house for inspiration.
    Your new grand child coming into the light of this world is a happy and hopeful thing. Hope all are well. xo


  5. Yay Kristen! I almost missed it myself.

    A, Har!

    Thank you Mel. I remember the Borrowers! And yes, some things, are difficult to part with. I'm thankful there are fewer of them now.
    Hope you're keeping warm!


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